About Jennifer

I’ve been a Psychotherapist in private practice for around ten years specialising in childhood trauma. I work with people experiencing anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties and CPTSD resulting from childhood emotional wounding and neglect. I’m trained in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, Somatic Psychotherapy and Inner Child work. I also use the Internal Family Systems model of therapy as part of my work. I help you develop self awareness and build inner safety through empathy, insight and self compassion. I focus on helping you learn how to regulate your emotions and heal your nervous system for identity level shifts and lasting positive change.

How I healed my nervous system

My healing journey started in my early twenties after experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. I didn’t know at the time but my nervous system was severely dysregulated, I had a harsh inner critic and was disconnected from my emotions.

I wanted to understand why I felt so stressed so began reading books focussed on self healing, mindset work and positive psychology. I started to realise the importance of my thoughts and pay attention to them. Over time I grew in self awareness and understanding but the anxiety stayed the same. Eventually I found a therapist trained in inner child and somatic work and that’s when I started to see real progress. Within a few months I stopped having panic attacks and generally felt more regulated in my body because the connection to the therapist had a calming effect on my nervous system. It was from this that I discovered the power of co-regulation and the importance of forming healthy, safe attachments.

I started training to become a therapist and this deepened and expanded my capacity for self compassion because I started really listening to my inner child. I felt safe enough to start feeling my emotions, even the really painful ones and this was when I began to feel regulated on a more consistent basis.. In all honesty it’s been a lengthy and sometimes difficult process, this level of change doesn’t come overnight. I have made healing the central focus of my life for many years but I can say for sure it’s been worth it.

Helping you find your authentic self is my passion

I’m deeply grateful to have worked with many people on their journey of healing childhood trauma.. My clients have taught me so much about having the courage to be human. Their vulnerability invites me to open to the unknown, to lean into discomfort and to have faith in whatever is arising. I’ve learned that each person’s nervous system and emotions have a deep intelligence and aligning with them is much more helpful than trying to fight or control them.

Watching someone transform into their most authentic and empowered self is truly the greatest gift. The process humbles me over and over. Most of what makes therapy work can’t be explained with words, subconscious change happens and the mind catches up later. It’s only when we look back can we see how far we’ve come.

My philosophy on therapy and healing

I believe that trauma responses are not mental illnesses. They are your psyche and body trying to help you survive traumatic childhood experiences.. Your difficult feelings, thoughts and behaviours are for the most part caused by subconscious nervous system coping and defence mechanisms. These patterns are no longer needed as an adult but at one point kept you alive and are your best attempt to stay safe and navigate the world.. Your inner child is not going to give up these survival mechanisms easily and so the emphasis is on creating inner safety through empathy, compassion and the willingness to understand the perspective of our vulnerable self.

I believe in the power of removing shame and judgment from mental and emotional struggle and instead seeing it for what it is - our natural and in built physiological and emotional responses to the things that happened to us.

Psychotherapy, somatic therapy and inner child work are potent and effective methods to heal at depth and process subconscious emotional wounds. I believe we must address the issues present on all levels to see lasting positive change. This type of work can create deep and profound identity levels shifts.

My experience and qualifications

  • Diploma in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy

  • Certificate in Person Centred Counselling

  • Post graduate certificate in Advanced Interventions in primary mental healthcare

  • Diploma in Life Coaching

  • Practical Applications of IFS

  • Certificate in mindfulness in Psychotherapy

  • 10+ years working with clients in private practice

  • 20+ years of my own healing journey using Psychotherapy and other healing modalities

  • I’m a member of the BACP and abide by their ethical framework

I believe as therapists we can only take our clients as deep as we have been on our own healing journey. Our capacity to hold safe space for others is determined by the depth of clear, compassionate space we can hold for ourselves.

-Jennifer Kennedy